Discover the power of agar in facial masks: deep hydration and renewed youth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 17:15
Agar is known for its ability to retain and attract moisture, resulting in deep skin hydration. This is beneficial for all skin types, especially those needing an extra hydration boost. Additionally, its firming properties help tone the skin, improving elasticity and firmness. This can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the skin looking more youthful.
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Mejora en la certificación de sostenibilidad EcoVadis

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 08:12
Nos complace compartir que hemos recibido la calificación de sostenibilidad de ECOVADIS, una reconocida organización puntuó en el año 2023 nuestras prácticas en materia de sostenibilidad.  Estamos muy orgullosos de haber mantenido la medalla Silver conseguida en 2022 y superar nuestra evaluación al alcanzar el percentil 87%, lo que significa que hemos logrado una calificación igual o superior al 87% de las empresas evaluadas. 
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Benefits of QSOL and QSOL Soft agars in the dairy industry

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 11:48
Agar has become an innovative alternative in the dairy industry, increasingly used as a substitute for the traditional use of carrageenans. Unlike carrageenans, which require external agents to gel and can affect the taste, color, or odor of food, agar forms a physical gel through hydrogen bridges without the need for external additives.
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